WordPress vs Blogger

I got into blogging a few months ago.  I selected blogger without much consideration and have enjoyed many of its features.  In the meantime, a few other bloggers that I follow have either switched or started after research with wordpress.  I logged in today to make a comment on one of their blogs and decided to check things out for myself.

The way that I am currently blogging and the following that I have hardly creates a need for a great host site.  My volume and content are not a challenge to any service.  I will, however, attempt over the next few weeks by blogging from both sites try to evaluate and communicate the differences that become apparent to me.

Red Bicyclette

When making a hearty beef stew, a good dry red wine can add to the flavor and to the fun. Today's choice was this Pinot Noir from Southern France. It is very good. Stay tuned for a rating system to be rolled out very soon.

Put on some shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops and fire up the grill or
slow cooker and relax. It’s Saturday.

Florida Fires

As record cold sweeps across the country, people are looking for more
warmth. With another week of cold in the forecast, I have burned
through all our firewood gathered from trimmed trees around the house
and had to take delivery of a truckload.